Monday, April 16, 2018

Could Corey Good be the unnamed "alleged" miliary briefing officer from Len Kastens Project Serpo Presentation?

April 16, 2018
I am a researcher in a plethora of topics some ranging into the fringe, I have found some information that might prove the existence of time travel, and the Secret Space Program, as well as prove Corey Goode's claims? Could the unnamed alleged briefing officer from Len Kastens Project Serpo Presentation “briefing video” which allegedly surfaced in 1978 indeed by Corey Goode? Corey Goode claims to have been inducted into the Secret Space Program in 1979, in which Corey Goode would have been age 9. Both men have strikingly similar facial features, both men sound very much the same, both men claim to be involved with the Secret Space Program, and Project Serpo in some way, both men say: “Project Serpo”. Starting at 1 hour and 38 minutes in Len Kastens Project Serpo Presentation is footage of an unnamed alleged military briefing officer in the youtube link: Len Kasten (01-19-16) Secret Journey to Planet Serpo as follows:
Starting at 49 minutes and 30 seconds Corey Goode talks about a Project Serpo comic book that he is helping to produce in the youtube link: Corey Goode Interview - Current Events and Q/A - July 25, 2017: